Class Details

Prenatal Class

Prenatal Class

You may join classes in session to learn skill sets that can help during all 3 trimesters.

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Healthy Baby / Mommy Nutritional Class

Healthy Baby/Mommy Nutritional Class

The “how-to” on preparing fun, economical, healthy food during pregnancy and beyond.

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Childbirth Education Class

Childbirth Education Class

Designed to provide information, which can help alleviate common anxiety that may occur with expectant mothers.

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Parenting One Class

Parenting One Class

Covering parent and child relationships and skills from birth to first 2 years of age.

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Parents Two Class

Parenting Two Class

Parent child relationship and skills from 3 to 15 years of age.

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Lifestyle/Self-Development Class

Lifestyle/Self-Development Class

Powerful program designed to help develop young women and men, and build confidence to improve life situations and outcomes.

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Mature Boundaries/Mature Relationships

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The Fatherhood Program

The Fatherhood Program is designed to help men become the best dad they can be. Your child deserves the best father in the world—you!

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